Things to Know Before Getting a Dog

There’s no doubt about the fact that puppies are very lovable animals that are mostly loved by animal lovers. They’re adorable, tiny, affectionate beings that can be carried anywhere. There’s nothing about a dog or a puppy that you can’t fall in love with. They’re simply tough to resist. This is probably the reason why so many people end up owning puppies before even they are ready to own one. Animal lovers often bring home a puppy much before they know whether or not they’re prepared to have one.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Dog

Things to Know Before Getting a Dog

There are several decisions to make and other factors to consider before you choose to get a new pup for your house. Don’t be impulsive and take home one at the wrong time. You have to do a comprehensive research to begin with. Know whether or not you’re ready to have a puppy and know how you should get one in a responsible manner. Here are few things to know before getting a dog.

Do you think you’re ready to own a puppy?

Yes, it’s true that puppies are irresistible but at the same time, they are time-consuming too. In case you’ve never had a pup at home, you may not realize what you’re treading into. If you think of getting home an adult dog, it’s one thing to get ready for one. On the other hand, it is even a tougher job to raise a puppy as that demands higher level of commitment.

Young pups have to be fed 3-4 times in a day. They have to be taken outside instantly after drinking or eating so that they get to the habit of eliminating at the right place and become house-trained. Having a puppy will call up for lots of cleaning jobs throughout the day. A pup can wake you up many time in the middle of the night. The puppy may do that simply because it is bored or he needs to go out for some reason.

You can’t leave a young pup alone for more than few hours. He should remain inside a crate while along as this also helps in house training and keeps him from chewing things in the house. After few hours, a pup won’t be able to hold its bladder and might end up peeing or pooping anywhere.

Ask yourself whether or not you’re ready to come back home from work only to nurse your puppy. Can you handle the thought of being woken up by your dog at the middle of the night? If yes, go for it.

What kind of dog breed is appropriate for you?

Congratulations that you’ve decided on the pros and cons of dog ownership! Now it’s time for you to go out in the market and watch out for the little baby. Where are you supposed to begin? Firstly, you have to decide which type of puppy is right for you. Jot down the list of traits and features you must have or the ones that you prefer or certainly want in your pup.

How big or small would you like your dog to be? Consider their full-grown size before deciding this. Small dogs often perform better and stay well in smaller space. Medications and food supplies are extremely costly for the giant-sized dogs.  Question your affordability before choosing a big dog.

Would you prefer having a dog that remains extremely active as an adult or would you prefer those that calm down within a year or two? How much exercise and outdoor trips in a day can you provide to your dog? Also keep in mind the hair coat type before choosing a dog. Can you handle shedding or do you like a dog that doesn’t shed heavily? Can you afford regular trips to the groomer?

Know how to puppy-proof your home

Before you bring home your four-legged friend, it is vital for you to prepare your home for him. As you’re all set to becoming a pet parent, you have to do your best in order to puppy-proof all the areas of your home. It is common for your puppy to become destructive at times and you have to accept that although it might frustrate you to the core. Here are few warning signs you should be careful about:

  • Get down to the level of the puppy and hide electrical cords in the best way possible
  • Lock down all the cabinets, particularly those that have medicines, food, toxic chemicals and other items that can get dangerous
  • The houseplants should be kept high up where your dog is not able to chew the leaves
  • Get a dustbin with locking lids or try to keep the dustbin behind locked doors
  • Keep shoes, laundry and other items out of reach as puppies often chew shoes

Although the best way to make sure your puppy is always safe is by supervising it all the time, yet this is not always possible. Whenever you’re away, keep him inside a crate and try not to leave him alone for too many hours.

Stay in touch with the best veterinarian

Your new puppy has to visit the veterinarian within few days of coming to your home. It is vital for him to go through a physical examination even when there are no due vaccines. This examination is done in order to ensure that there are no such health concerns that went undetected by the shelter, breeder or the rescue group.

Find a good and reputable veterinarian much before you bring home your dog. This way you can have your vet lined up and you’ll never have to rush to locate a vet when there’s an emergency. Get hold of a vet office that has had a great reputation nearby. The prices have to be affordable so that you don’t have to break your bank while treating your new pup. Take a look at online reviews also before choosing a veterinarian.

Therefore, if you’re of the opinion that you’re ready for a dog, wait there and ask yourself all the above listed things. Once you get to know about the fact that you are all set to welcome a dog home, you should then give yourself a green signal.

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