How to Photograph Pets

There’s no doubt when we say that pets fill a fond place in our hearts very quickly. Soon after bringing them home and nurturing the special bond with them, we start clicking pictures and framing them in order to keep the memories intact. Soon we find the frames decorating our walls and office desks.

How to Photograph Your Pets – Pet Photography Tips

Pet Photography Tips

However, while it is true that pet parents love clicking pictures of their pets, it is also true that taking pictures with your furry friend is not always an easy task. Unlike humans, pets don’t understand what actually we are trying to do with them and hence they don’t wish to pose for the camera. Nevertheless, in order to make this task comparatively easy, here are few pet photography tips to remember.

Shoot under natural light

While clicking a picture of your pet, try not to use any kind of artificial light as photography experts are of the opinion that natural light is probably the best choice. Using flash can either frighten the pup or the kitten or cause red-eye issues in the final picture. So, you should try to take your pet to a bigger room where there is enough light coming in. You can probably place him in front of a large window to get the best photographs.

Start off by checking your pet’s personality

Before you begin to photographing your pet, ask yourself about the characteristic trait that sets him apart from other pets. What type of personality does your pet have? For instance, if your pet happens to be lazy, sleepy or placid, set a photo shoot around its bed or around the place where he lies after his meals. This will help you capture a shot that will entirely sum up his personality. For active pets, choose to shoot at local parks where he is racing around with other animals.

Think of the context of the photograph

While choosing the location for the photography session, you may have to consider few other factors too. Choose a place where you think your pet will be comfortable enough and at ease. Take into account the familiarity of the location and the emotions that the place may evoke in you as the owner of the pet. For instance, you may choose to select a place where you and your pet had fond memories and special moments. Make sure the backdrop of the photograph is not distracting.

Move closer to your pet

Pets come in various sizes and shapes but as they’re much smaller than humans, they end up looking lost in photos. Hence you have to give in the effort of moving close to them. In case your pet loves to run around, getting close won’t be that easy but still it is worth making the effort. If you are not able to get physically close to your pet, get a zoom lens for photographing your pet.

Droop down to their level

You have to droop down to the level of your pet where you can take a look at them eye to eye. Taking an image standing and placing the camera to look down to their level can leave you too far away from the subject. Getting down to their level will mean entering their world and getting a glimpse of their furry world. You’ll be impressed by the results.

Keep the eyes of your pet sharp

In any type of portrait photography, it is vital to maintain sharp eyes. We all know that eyes are the windows to the soul and especially when it comes to the eyes of your pet, they are especially expressive. So, whenever you opt for pet photography, you have to ensure that you focus particularly on the eyes of your pet and try to keep them sharp and attractive.

Mix the frame

Just as human subjects always look different from various angles, pets too look different from different perspectives. While doing a photo shoot of your pet, click few cropped facial shots but at the same time, ensure that you take at least 3 quarter body shots and full-body shots too. This way, you can end up with a nice series of shots where you give your viewers an entire close perspective of who your pet is and what kind of personality he has.

Include people within the frame

One of the best things you can do to add intensity to the frame is by adding context to a shot and you can do this by including special people in the life of your pet. Shots where you include the owner of the pet or a person who is special to the pet can make the picture incredibly special for the future years. You can try posed shots and even some candid shots of the owner where the pet is playing with the owner. Such shots evoke emotion and also expose the character of the pet.

Use lots of toys and treats

The trickiest part of pet photography is that pets will never understand the instructions of posing. You have to carry few of your pet’s favorite toys and treats as this can go a long way in getting them look towards a certain direction. When your dog has already been trained to sit and stay put at one place, it will be much easier to work with him. This is when he will be eager and willing to listen to your commands in order to get that treat. Food bribes work the best!

Have patience

Just as you need lot of patience when you photograph newborns or toddlers, the case is same while photographing pets. When you click pictures of your pet, it usually pays off to keep the camera ready and wait for the right moment to come. Don’t force him to sit still after you have just walked in the door and he is eager to play with you. If he just woke up from a nap and is busy stretching himself, wait for some time so that he calms down before striking a pose.

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